July 2024
Upcoming Meetings
Boxing at Conneaut Lake Park
July 15th

"Boxing at Conneaut Lake Park", featuring history of world heavyweight champion Max Schmeling at CLP. Jean Shanley will be speaker and will present other historical stories about boxing at the park.
Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (note time change) at the Sportsman's Club in Conneaut Lake. It is open to the public free of charge. Hall is handicapped-accessible and smoke-free. Refreshments will follow the program.
Conneaut Lake Park History
August 19th
August is "Conneaut Lake Park History" by Marcy Laderer and Gore Range. It is a history of the park.

Quilt show is July 13
Digitizing Program
We are now engaged in a program that will digitize all 46,000 of our artifacts. It involves scanning each item onto a computer, which will preserve the item. Currently, our system only tells what the item is.
Example: Picture of Hotel Conneaut. By digitizing it, the actual picture of the hotel is captured.
We are excited about this program as it will preserve our history should some catastrophe occur.
To date, 19 books out of about 100 books have been scanned.
In addition to those books from the research center, we also have obituaries and other published books to scan as well as the items in the museum. So you can see we still have a lot of work ahead of us.
If you are interested in helping, we would love to have you. This winter, we had three "pairs" of scanners, but summertime has meant many of those aren't available. Scanners work in teams of two -- at their own schedule.
If you would like to help, please contact Bob Hilton 814-382-4328 or Julia Catalano at 814-724-9841.
Crawford Gives
For those unable to do physical work for the society, there is another way to serve.
If you are able, you can make a monetary donation through Crawford Gives.
The program, operated by Crawford Heritage Foundation, receives donates during a four-day period.
This year it begins at 12 a.m. on Aug. 24 and ends at midnight Aug. 27.
During that time, you can go to the website: www.crawfordgives.com and donate, using a credit card.
Or you can send a check to Crawford Gives, P.O. Box 933, Meadville, Pa., 16335. Please mail it early enough that it is received by midnight Aug. 27.
Or you can take a donation to the foundation at 415 Chestnut St., Meadville.
Please note your donation is for the Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society.
Once all the receipts are totaled, the foundation adds a percentage of the donation to the total and we receive that "match" as well.
It's one way to help the society gain a little more money and the "match" is an "extra" for us.
Last year we received more than $7,000 from Crawford Gives with about 20 donors.
We would love to beat that total.
Please spread the word. You need not be a member to donate!
And, we are a 501-C-3 so all your donations are tax-deductible!
Thanks in advance.
Our 25th Anniversary
As you remember, this is our 25th anniversary and Jean Shanley is chairman of the overall committee.
We will have one "special event" each month in addition to our regular program.
June's event will be the annual golf tournament at Oakland Beach Golf Course with David White and John Leasure as co-chairmen. It will be June 21.
In July, we will have a quilt show as a special event. It will be July 13 the quilt show from 10 to 2 p.m. at the museum. Of course, will will also have the car show on July 6.
A "Quilts of Valor" service will begin at 9 a.m. and is open to the public as we honor four local veterans.
We are accepting quilts for display. Anyone wishing to enter a quilt may take them to the museum Monday through Wednesday the week before the show. We will be at the museum from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day.
A special "People's Choice" award will be given.
A skeeball tournament will be the August event -- in addition to the annual Paddlefest on Aug. 3.
The skeeball tournament will be Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the museum. Anyone wishing to participate may register that morning at 9 a.m. There is no registration fee.
In September, we will introduce our first seven recipients of the Century Club plaques. Plaques are given to homes which are at least 100 years old. We will make the presentations at a date in September. Plans are to award plaques each year.
In October, will return to Conneaut Lake Park to participate in the annual Pumpkin Fest.
Please mark your calendars and plan to come and enjoy the festivities.
Tiki Bar Night
Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society will be host for a special event on Aug. 13 at the Tiki Bar at Conneaut Lake Park.
The program features guest bartenders at the bar and a portion of the proceeds goes to the historical society.
We are making plans for a special event that night.
It is, of course, open to the public free of charge. More details will be announced as we get closer to the date!
Do you have a quilt you would like to show others?
Now is your chance.
We are having a quilt show July 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m at the museum.
We are accepting quilts for display.
Quilts may be taken to the museum through Saturday, July 6 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Quilts will be display and a People's Choice cash prize awarded.
The event is part of our 25th anniversary celebration in recognition of previous quilts shows held in the community.
The show itself will start with a Quilts of Valor program at 9 a.m. with Quilts of Valor to be presented to Bob Eiler, Joal Wolf, Jim Herchenroether and Bob Moss.
Please join us to honor these four veterans and enjoy our quilt show.
All are open to the public, free of charge.
We will host a Skee ball tournament Aug. 10 starting at 10 a.m. at the museum.
The first 75 people to show up to participate will be given the opportunity to roll one game.
Then the top five scorers will "roll off" to determine the grand champion.
There is no fee to enter. The winner will receive a prize and bragging rights.
Please join us for this fun event that is part of our 25th anniversary celebration.
There is advance registration required.
Skee Ball Tournament
A new book, "Summer Solstice," by Jeanette Curry is now available at the museum and on-line in our gift shop.
Jeanette is a 1968 graduate of Conneaut Lake Area High School.
The book is a fiction romance novel with a bit of intrigue, history and pickle ball hints all wrapped into this delightful story.
The book starts with a woman receiving notice she has been left a gray cottage at Conneaut Lake, Pa., by her father, who she never knew. She leaves her southern home to travel to Conneaut Lake to check out this cottage (which is located a block from the Iroquois Club on the east side) and meet a half-brother she never knew she had. She had lots of questions to have answered. Why did a father who never acknowledged in his life leave her this cottage? Would her half-brother accept her? If she moved to Conneaut Lake, would the town accept her? And more. Upon arriving in Conneaut Lake, she discovers her father was a wealthy man who owned lots of property and was well known in the community. Included in the property he owns is the former Conneaut Lake Park.
The novel -- all fiction -- includes many references to local places and is an easy read.
It is available in our gift shop.
New Book Available
Check our gift shop for other items we have added that we failed to add to the shop when we first got them.
They include Wendell August Forge ornaments of Hotel Conneaut, Dreamland Ballroom and the miniature train at Conneaut Lake Park.
They all are designed to bring back fond memories of events at those sites.
Also, we have wine glasses with the Blue Streak engraved on them. a set of two in a nice black cardboard box.
All of the above items make wonderful gifts -- for you or someone else who has a favorite memory of Conneaut Lake.
Other gift items
Golf Tournament a Success
The sixth annual Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society was a great success.
We had beautiful weather, 32 teams and lots of prizes and fun.
It also was a great financial success because of our wonderful sponsors, golfers, and community support.
Thanks to the committee, headed by Dave White and John Leasure for all the hard work.
Thanks as well to Donnie Z for singing our National Anthem again this year.
And, thanks to all our society members for the pre-event and clean-up after.
And, thanks to Oakland Beach for hosting us and Fore Shore for the wonderful lunch.
As they say, 'A good time was had by all!"
The White Family
Terry and Monette Littlepage Glen and Nancy Moss
Robert and Kathy Moss
Fred and Melanie DePalma
VFW Post 7842
Bank of America
Lakeview Ford
Walnut Creek Golf Course
Small's Bar and Grill, LC
Frye, Miller and Associates (Merrill Lynch)
Jeanette Williams (In memory of Dick Williams)
Silver Shores
Richard Harned
Rosemary Freas
Tom and Mary Donegan
Bil Gregg, Attorney
Meadville Medical Center
Jeff and Kathy Cooper
Sue Kesler (In memory of Vern & Joan Kesler)
Rich Cosner
Richard Pitts Agency
Bruce and Cindy Nicols
Frank and Judith Winkle
Griffin Motors Channellock
Shaffer Financial
Triple State Family Auction
J.C. Ziccardi Builders
Bill's Midway Marina
Rose and Waid Funeral Home and Crematory, Inc.
ReMax Lakeland Realty
David Schepner - Howard Hanna Bainbridge Kaufman
Hudson Property Mgmt.
Barbara JCruises (Tee)
Barbara JCruises (Hole)
David and Kathy Lynch
Barbara Moyers
Lakeside Beer Distributor
Dr. Michael and Lauren Ghassibi
Ken and Jean Lobsinger
Richard and Lori Hensler
Rising River Brewery
Street Track'N Trail Inc.
David Perfett Tax Service
Dr. Robert Bazylak French Creek Internal Medicine
Specialty Supply
Charles and Kathleen Groger Jr.
McCandless Ford
Shipton's Carpet
Darwin and Roberta Alexander
B.J. Murray (In memory of Tim &Juanita Murray)
Gary Hough
Crawford County Convention and Visitor's Bureau
John & Pam Leasure
Rich &Carol Osborn
Timberland Floral
Tricia Deemer
The Luty Family
Nancy O'Neill (Tee)
Nancy O'Neill (Hole)
The Hilton Family
John and Martha Lauffer
Home Depot
Bil and Sandy Eldridge
Cris and Jane Myers
Pizza Joe's
William Rhodes
James Donegan
Wes Miller (Merrill Lynch)
Oakland Beach Golf Course
Home Depot
Al's Melons
Zatsick's Golden Dawn
Crawford County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Hank's Frozen Custard
Miller's Food Factory
John & Pam Leasure
Gettysburg Wines - David and Jan White
Linen Poster - David and Jan White
Park Lane Jewelry (1) - Karen Jablonski
Park Lane Jewelry (2) - Karen Jablonski
Sheetz Basket
Garden Basket - Dr. Jennifer Boudreau
Wendell August Forge Wine Glasses - CL Area Historical Society Conneaut Lake
Decorative Clock - CL Area Historical Society
Joker's Wild Patriotic Burn
Teeka K-9 Tricks
4 Person Dome Tent - Walmart
Spinette Twirling Club
Dickson Funeral Home & Crematorium
Lottery Basket - Karen Unger
Wine Basket - Directors and Committee Members CLAHS
Spirit Basket - Directors and Committee Members CLAHS