May 2024
Upcoming Meetings
Conneaut Lake Park History
May 20th

The topic is Conneaut Lake Park history as told by Charles Beares III. His grandfather helped build the Blue Streak. His grandfather was the manager and co-owner of the park at various times in history from the early 1900s to mid-1900s.
Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (note time change) at the Sportsman's Club in Conneaut Lake. It is open to the public free of charge. Hall is handicapped-accessible and smoke-free. Refreshments will follow the program.
Sailing on Conneaut Lake
The Conneaut Lake Yacht Club (CLYC) Years
June 17th
Chad Waldschmidt will be guest speaker on June 17 about the Sailboat Races at the Yacht Club.

Docents Needed
We are looking forward to another busy schedule as we have opened the museum for the season.
If you would like to be a docent (tour guide), we would love to have you.
We will pair you with another person who had done this in the past so you won't be alone.
Your job is simply to greet guests and offer to give them a guided tour or allow them to tour by themselves. (We have cheat sheets to help you if they want guided tours.)
Hours are Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m.
We also have a gift shop where you can sell things.
If you are not comfortable selling, that's ok too!
Please consider trying it.
Our success depends on our members helping anywhere they can.
Contact Chuck Groger at 814-382-8722 if you are interested.
Digitizing Program
We are now engaged in a program that will digitize all 46,000 of our artifacts. It involves scanning each item onto a computer, which will preserve the item. Currently, our system only tells what the item is.
Example: Picture of Hotel Conneaut. By digitizing it, the actual picture of the hotel is captured.
We are excited about this program as it will preserve our history should some catastrophe occur.
To date, 19 books out of about 100 books have been scanned.
In addition to those books from the research center, we also have obituaries and other published books to scan as well as the items in the museum. So you can see we still have a lot of work ahead of us.
If you are interested in helping, we would love to have you. This winter, we had three "pairs" of scanners, but summertime has meant many of those aren't available. Scanners work in teams of two -- at their own schedule.
If you would like to help, please contact Bob Hilton 814-382-4328 or Julia Catalano at 814-724-9841.
Crawford Gives
For those unable to do physical work for the society, there is another way to serve.
If you are able, you can make a monetary donation through Crawford Gives.
The program, operated by Crawford Heritage Foundation, receives donates during a four-day period.
This year it begins at 12 a.m. on Aug. 24 and ends at midnight Aug. 27.
During that time, you can go to the website: and donate, using a credit card.
Or you can send a check to Crawford Gives, P.O. Box 933, Meadville, Pa., 16335. Please mail it early enough that it is received by midnight Aug. 27.
Or you can take a donation to the foundation at 415 Chestnut St., Meadville.
Please note your donation is for the Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society.
Once all the receipts are totaled, the foundation adds a percentage of the donation to the total and we receive that "match" as well.
It's one way to help the society gain a little more money and the "match" is an "extra" for us.
Last year we received more than $7,000 from Crawford Gives with about 20 donors.
We would love to beat that total.
Please spread the word. You need not be a member to donate!
And, we are a 501-C-3 so all your donations are tax-deductible!
Thanks in advance.
Memorial Day
As traditionally, we will be open on Memorial Day from 10 a.m. until about 1 p.m.
We will have hot dogs for sale as well as water and snacks.
Please stop and see us after the parade and service at 10 a.m. in Memorial Park.
Col.(Ret.) Dave White, formerly of Conneaut Lake, is guest speaker. He does a wonderful job.
Museum Opens
The museum at 150 N. Third St. is now open for the summer season.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays and 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays.
For special appointments: Call Chuck Groger at 814-382-8722,
New Gift Item
Our new gift item in 2024 is a pair of shot glasses. One is inscribed with our historical society logo and the second is inscribed with an outline of Conneaut Lake in blue water with the name Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania.
Cost is $7 for the two, that come in a gift box. You have to add 42 cents tax and $6 if you want them shipped.
They will be available at the museum as well.
Cuisine is Back
Our Conneaut Lake Cuisine has returned after a four-year absence because of Covid-19.
The event has proven to still be a popular event as a maximum 200 tickets were sold in 10 days!
Restaurants and vendors participating this year are: Hotel Conneaut, Tavern 618, G.O.A.T Bar and Grill, Zatsick's Golden Dawn, Subway, Sheetz, Rising River Brewing, Strudel Factory, Livingston's Quality Meats, Silver Shores, Pelican Landing III, Pizza Joe's, Casey's Ice Cream and Candies, Saegertown Beverage, Crawford County Dairy Princess, Sherry Distributors and two stations from Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society.
We are so appreciative of the businesses who have donated 250 "samples" of their specialty foods for our guests to sample.
We also are appreciative of Hotel Conneaut, which agreed to host the event at the hotel. It will be fun go visit the hotel and see the renovations. As you may recall, our very first cuisine was at Hotel Conneaut. This year we will be in the ballroom.
It promises to be a great event and kicks off our summer season.
Our 25th Anniversary
As you remember, this is our 25th anniversary and Jean Shanley is chairman of the overall committee.
We will have one "special event" each month in addition to our regular program.
The cuisine is in May.
June's event will be the annual golf tournament at Oakland Beach Golf Course with David White and John Leasure as co-chairmen. It will be June 21.
In July, we will have a quilt show as a special event. It will be July 13 the quilt show from 10 to 2 p.m. at the museum. Of course, will will also have the car show on July 6.
A "Quilts of Valor" service will begin at 9 a.m. and is open to the public as we honor four local veterans.
We are accepting quilts for display. Anyone wishing to enter a quilt may take them to the museum Monday through Wednesday the week before the show. We will be at the museum from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day.
A special "People's Choice" award will be given.
A skeeball tournament will be the August event -- in addition to the annual Paddlefest on Aug. 3.
The skeeball tournament will be Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the museum. Anyone wishing to participate may register that morning at 9 a.m. There is no registration fee.
In September, we will introduce our first seven recipients of the Century Club plaques. Plaques are given to homes which are at least 100 years old. We will make the presentations at a date in September. Plans are to award plaques each year.
In October, will return to Conneaut Lake Park to participate in the annual Pumpkin Fest.
Please mark your calendars and plan to come and enjoy the festivities.
Tiki Bar Night
Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society will be host for a special event on Aug. 13 at the Tiki Bar at Conneaut Lake Park.
The program features guest bartenders at the bar and a portion of the proceeds goes to the historical society.
We are making plans for a special event that night.
It is, of course, open to the public free of charge. More details will be announced as we get closer to the date!
Museum Closed
The museum is closed for the winter. However, if you need a tour you may call Chuck Groger at 814-382-8722 to schedule an appointment.
We will re-open in May.
Program Suggestions
The program committee is asking for suggestions for possible programs in 2024.
You may email suggestions to Jean Shanley at or Julia Catalana at
Thanks in advance.